Tips & TricksCOVID-19 Tips

Lost Your Job? You Can Bounce Back – Here’s How

April 21, 2020 0 comments
OS You Can Bounce Back From Losing Your Job_Featured

There are no two ways about it: losing your job is hard. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t recover.

As with many setbacks, the thing that matters isn’t the situation itself, it’s how you respond to it. With the right mindset and a proactive approach, you can overcome your circumstances and move on to something new as soon as possible.

If you have recently lost your job as a direct or indirect result of COVID-19, here are our top tips to help you bounce back:

Allow Time to Grieve

Many people will experience job loss at some point in their careers (and some of us more than once), but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Besides the financial stress and shame that’s often associated with losing your job, it can be hard to let go of the familiar and be pushed into a change you may not have been ready for. Understand that your feelings, whatever form they take, are normal and valid, and that allowing time to process and grieve is a healthy part of the recovery process.

Also, keep in mind that layoffs are about cutting costs, not your abilities, so it won’t necessarily have a negative effect on your future career. Now more than ever, job loss is common, so try not to take it personally and remember that you aren’t alone.

Focus on the Future

Once you have given yourself space to process, it’s time to turn your attention to the future. It may not seem like it at first, but being forced to look for a new role can be an opportunity to move into something that will give you more job satisfaction than ever.

Instead of getting bogged down in the “what ifs”, take the chance to review your career direction and think about where you want to go next and what you’ll need to do to get there. What did you like most about your last job? What did you dislike? How might you use your skills in a way you’d find more enjoyable?

If you’re unsure about your next step or are looking to make a change, consider seeking a second opinion from a trusted friend, mentor or a specialist Construction, Industrial and Manufacturing recruiter to help you come up with a concrete plan to move forward.

Tap into Your Network

Your network is one of your most valuable assets when it comes to bouncing back from job loss. As soon as you have determined your new direction, get in touch with your contacts in the industry and let them know you’re searching for opportunities. This might mean calling past colleagues or a previous manager to catch up. Many hires are made as a result of a recommendation or shared connection and you never know when something new will come up. Keep your ear to the ground, surround yourself with the right people and be open to the unexpected.

Job Search Like It’s Your Job

Now that you’re ready to take the next step and begin the job search, our advice is to treat it like a full-time role. It’s easy to lose momentum if you haven’t set your intentions, so identify what you need to do, structure your day and stick to it. Create achievable goals for yourself, such as updating your CV or reaching out to a certain number of contacts.

And remember, if you need support with your job search or would like to find out about the latest opportunities available, we’re here to support you through each stage of the process and help you secure the perfect role. Reach out to us at any time to start your journey.

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