Tips & Tricks

Keeping Safe in the Workplace

January 26, 2024 0 comments

Workplace health and safety can never be left to chance. It’s one thing that everyone needs to be constantly aware of while on the job, as even the smallest mistake can lead to the unthinkable.  

Thankfully, workplace-related deaths in New Zealand have decreased in recent years. But there is a flipside – workplace injuries are on the rise, led by incidents occurring in Construction, Manufacturing, Transport and Warehousing.   

Clearly, there is a need to engage in good habits that help contribute to a safer workplace environment. After all, each of us has loved ones who want us to come home safely at the end of the work day. Here’s a guide to the key areas of safety to keep in mind while you’re at work.   

Always Wear Your Protective Personal Equipment (PPE)  

You only have one head, two ears, feet and eyes, so it’s important to protect them!  

Wearing the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for any job with safety hazards, like loud or prolonged noise, falling objects, or flying debris. Make sure to utilise appropriate gear like a sturdy helmet, protective eyewear, ear protection, high-vis clothing, and durable work footwear.  

It’s also important to get training on how to use PPE, so you understand how to use it day-to-day and what to do when a piece of kit is missing. If you’re working through a temporary staffing agency, be sure to tell them if you have inadequate PPE.  

Maintain a Tidy Workspace and Work Tools 

Messy worksites are a major source of work safety hazards, so it’s wise to develop a personal habit of keeping your work area tidy and making colleagues aware of hazards when you spot them.  

Before you start your shift, have a look at your surroundings and see if anything looks like a risk or a hazard. It can be easy to just get on with the job, but by taking a few minutes to analyse your work environment throughout the day, you could prevent more than one potential incident.  

You should also be trained on the importance of maintaining tools and equipment to ensure that they are in good working condition. This includes reporting any damage or malfunctions to the Site Supervisor or Safety Manager immediately to avoid accidents or injuries.  

Practice Safe Lifting  

No matter your age or level of fitness, if your role requires regular heavy lifting, there is always a risk of injury in the short or long term.  

By far, ‘muscular stress while lifting, carrying or putting down objects’ is the most common cause of injuries in New Zealand workplaces, as official data shows.  

To avoid this type of injury, remember to consistently use proper lifting techniques such as bending your knees, keeping your back straight, and using your legs to lift a heavy weight. Steer clear of turning or twisting your body when lifting heavy items, as this action can elevate the likelihood of an injury. 

Raise Workplace Safety Concerns with Your Employer  

Workplace safety is often improved on the back of employee feedback and suggestions. If you have the opportunity to make a change before someone gets hurt, why wouldn’t you take it? Additionally, if you have an idea of how something could be done in a safer manner, share it. 

Whether you’re working on a contract with a temporary staffing agency like OneStaff or you’re in a permanent role, it’s important to communicate safety issues to your site supervisor and safety officer. 

Good communication on workplace safety extends to training. If you feel adequately trained or equipped to perform a task safely, speak up and request additional training or resources. This will not only help prevent accidents and injuries but also promote a culture of worksite safety.   

The Last Word…  

Remember to be a role model for good safety behaviour at work. Much like we tell our children to treat others the way they want to be treated, in Workplace Health and Safety we should be acting the way we want others to act. Clean up the mess, follow the procedures, drive to the speed limit and take responsibility for your actions. Be ‘safety in action’.  

OneStaff is one of New Zealand’s most reputable temporary staffing and recruitment agencies, with an extensive work health and safety programme. If you would like to discuss workplace health and safety in more detail, contact us today.  

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