Tips & Tricks

5 Things to do Before a Job Interview

August 31, 2021 0 comments
5 Things to Do Before a Job Interview

The job interview is a crucial opportunity to demonstrate to a potential employer that you’re the right person for the role, and preparation is the key to a successful interview. Being well prepared will help you to feel confident, be at your best and stand out from the other candidates.

To give you the greatest chance of landing your ideal job, we’ve laid out five things you need to do to make sure you nail your next interview.

5 Things to Do Before a Job Interview


1. Research the Company, Hiring Manager and Job

Never go into a job interview without knowing some general information about the company you want to work for. From their website, you should be able to find out what exactly they do, the way they operate and a bit about their history. You will likely also be able to learn a bit about the company managers and other key personnel.

Once you’ve gone through their website, look into the company on Facebook and LinkedIn. On LinkedIn, you should also be to connect with the interviewer or the company’s hiring manager before the interview itself. This can be a great way to get yourself noticed and show that you are serious about the role.

2. Prepare Some Questions

Most people seem to panic when they are asked whether they have any questions of their own during an interview. If you are prepared, however, you have nothing to worry about. While most of the interview is dedicated to the interviewer evaluating whether you are the right fit for the company or not, this is your chance to see whether the company is the right fit for you.

You should aim to have three to five really good questions prepared that hopefully make the interviewer have to think a little bit. Don’t hesitate to ask hard questions, just make sure they don’t come across as personal attacks on the interviewer.

3. Gather All Your Certificates and Personal Details

A lot of jobs will require some sort of qualification; for example, forklift drivers should have a license and welders should be ticketed. Bring along all important certificates and qualifications you have so you can show that you are qualified for the job – even things like first aid certificates can be valuable assets to take with you.

It’s also a good idea to bring personal documents such as your driver’s license or IRD number, just in case you need them.

4. Pick Out Some Clothes

As you will likely be aware, dressing professionally for an interview is important; you really shouldn’t show up wearing jandals, shorts and a singlet! However, keep in mind that not all jobs require you to wear a suit to the interview. In most cases, a tidy button-up shirt, dark dress pants and dress shoes will be perfectly acceptable. If you’re ever unsure about what to wear to an interview, remember; it’s always better to be overdressed than look sloppy.

5. Don’t Be Late!

A good first impression can be ruined in a matter of seconds if you show up late. You need to know where the interview is, how long it will take to get there and if there is any parking nearby. It may be worth driving to the location of your interview the day before just to get an idea of how long it will take to travel there and to find out where you can park. Google Maps can also give you a reliable estimate, but you should always plan to have a few extra minutes up your sleeve just in case.

We recommend aiming to arrive at the office about five minutes beforehand. If you get there earlier, don’t worry – you can always use the time to go for a quick walk to steel your nerves or reread your notes about the company.


At the end of the day, spending a bit of extra time getting ready before your next interview will help you make the best possible impression on your potential employer. But preparation is just half of the equation – for advice on what to do once you’re in the interview itself, check out our top interview tips!

And if you need more support with preparing for a job search or securing your next opportunity, feel free to get in touch with our team of Construction recruitment specialists today.

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