Tips & Tricks

Achieving Your Goals with OneStaff

January 20, 2016 0 comments

There’s never a bad time to reflect on your year and look forward. Whether you’ve come to the end of the year and are looking to make a New Year’s resolution, or just want to set yourself some hard and fast goals, we’re here to help. Here are our three, easy to follow steps for success.

1.    What Do You Want?

It’s very easy to simply think of things that you want. You might want to find a new job, for instance, but these basic wants need to be developed before they can be considered goals. One of the best ways to develop your goals is to use the SMART goals system.
SMART goals are:

  • Specific: Define your objective as much as possible; who is involved, what do I want out of this, why do I want to do this?
  • Measurable: Make sure that you are able to track the progress and measure the success of your objective.
  • Attainable: Your objective needs to be possible. If you’re the new guy at work and want a promotion, don’t aim to become the CEO.
  • Relevant: You have to make sure that your objective is worth bothering with and is in line with your goals and aspirations.
  • Timely: Your objective needs to have at least a little sense of urgency and needs to have a time limit.

2.    How Do You Get There?

Once you’ve worked out the specifics of your goal, the next step is creating a detailed plan outlining how exactly you are going to achieve it. Think about the last step you will need to take in order to consider your goal achieved. From there, work backwards, thinking about what you need to do before you can take that final step and make that your second to last step. Continue to work back until you’ve identified all the necessary steps needed to complete your goal and then set deadlines for each one. For example, if you’re looking to move to a new city your plan might look something like this:

  1. Talk to your local OneStaff team about relocating and working in the region
  2. Meet up with the local OneStaff team
  3. Attend job interviews through OneStaff
  4. Accept a job offer
  5. Hand in your notice
  6. Find Somewhere to live in Christchurch
  7. Pack up all your things and get ready to move
  8. Move and start work

3.    Just Do It

Obviously the most important step is getting out and completing your plan, but unfortunately, this is also the hardest part. Finding the motivation when you are starting off is pretty easy but keeping that motivation up can be difficult. However, there are three tricks you can take advantage of to keep yourself motivated:

  1. Make your goal visible, put it somewhere you can see it every day, like on your fridge. This will ensure you continue to think about it every day and don’t lose sight of your goal – literally!
  2. Share your goal with people. You might post it to Facebook, so your friends can help hold you to it and make you accountable.
  3. The last trick is simple, every morning when you wake up, think about the Nike slogan, and Just Do It!


If you need any help and support in planning and achieving your career goals, feel free to get in touch and we will help you in any way we can.

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